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Insurance & Reinsurance Law & Regulation - Jurisdictional Comparisons: First Edition

The international nature of recent developments presents challenges not only to regulators, but also to legal systems. This first edition of Insurance & Reinsurance Law & Regulation is an essential reference guide for corporations, financial institutions and legal professionals. Covering more than 19 major jurisdictions worldwide, it provides a clear overview of the regulations and regimes governing insurance and reinsurance in each one, and is structured to allow easy comparisons between jurisdictions.

Inusrance & reinsurance Law & Regulation - 2014To read and download the full UAE chapter CLICK HERE

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Chapter co-authors: Bin Shabib & Associates
Contribution Authors: Michael Kortbawi and Amira El Masry
Chapter/Jurisdiction: United Arab Emirates
Date: September 2014
Published by: Sweet& Maxwell: Thomson Reuters

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